From Marie Galant, we had an excellent sail to Portsmouth, Dominica on January 18th (the kids even saw a whale.) Getting to Portsmouth was a high priority for me because our generator has been having some issues and we had some spare parts shipped to our soon to be friend Edisson at Portsmouth… Dave and Lana on Nemetona had been to Dominica and recommended we get help from Edisson, and he did not disappoint. The first thing you need to know about the people in Dominica, is that they know their island, know it well, and are proud of what they have to offer. Dominica is an island of hikes, waterfalls, fresh fruits and veggies, and all around good adventure. At this point, certainly the highlight of our trip so far!
Edisson Laville is a member of PAYS (Pourtsmouth Assocation of Yacht Services) which is a group of local “boat boys”, who are there to make your stay in Portsmouth easy and memorable. Edisson and his team of Ken and Winston where there to help us out with tours of the island and island info, and any boat help we needed. You can check out Edisson’s info here and Ken’s here – If you are ever on Dominica these guys know there stuff and are treated us like family. We also met up with Spesh, Super Spesh, (recommended by Anna and Spike on Tribe) for a tour of the island – Like Edisson and Ken, Spesh really knows his stuff and if you are on the island don’t miss the chance to tour with him!
After Portsmouth we sailed down the coast to Roseau and met up with Seacat who was highly recommended by our friends at Hands across the sea – Harriet and Tom Linsky – here is a great article Tom did on Seacat – Seacat and his tours are NOT to be missed!
From Dominica we sailed to Martinque to relive some of our French glory from Guadeloupe, and I post this now from Rodney Bay in St Lucia, but that is another story….
Mira is working on a fun little video of our time in Dominica so I will save the details for her, but some fun highlight in Pictures:
Indian River, Leslie’s Farm, Syndicate Trail, Calibishe, Rivers, hikes, NEF BWA Falls, Sulpher Springs, Fresh fruits and veggies everywhere, Soccer, Fresh Markets, Milton Falls, Fresh Water Lake, Tito Gorge, Trafalga Falls, Soufriere Natural Hot tubes, Champagne beach, Carnival, Armitage crew on Nemetona, Rogers Crew on Tangent – Yikes – Dominica was truly full of adventures we will never forget!!!
Just hanging
Indian River
New fashion trend
Sulpher Springs
Calan blowing the conch shell at colors
Another tough sail
SMG at Sunset
Nice view
What is that?
Ken teaching us the ropes at Leslie's Farm
Super Spesh
Super Spesh
Champagne beach (bubbles from volcano below)
I can eat it
Not a bad view
Soufriere, home of the Natural Hot Tub
Super Spesh
Sulpher Springs
Team Tangent
Where are we?
Market at Roseau
Market at Roseau
Ken - bananas
Sulpher springs
Hiking with Seacat
Something on my nose?
Captain Peter
To the waterfall
Look alike contest
Bamboo on Pirates of the Caribbean beach
Can you spot Peter, a little tired...
Indian River - Ken
Natural Hot tub!
Super Spesh
Soufriere, home of the Natural Hot Tub
Super spesh
Champagne beach (bubbles from volcano below)
SMG at Sunset
Hiking with Seacat
Checking on Salmagal
Super Spesh
Peter and Calan at soccer practive
Natural Hot Tub!
Natural Face Paint
Bar at Leslie's Farm
Market at Roseau
Soufriere, home of the Natural Hot Tub
Hike to Leslie's Farm at Indian River
Hiking with Seacat
Passion Fruite
Natural Hot Tub!
Carnival Parade Roseau
Natural Hot tub!
Trafalfar Falls - the cool water fall
Hiking with Seacat
Hike to Leslie's Farm at Indian River
Michael Moore was right, it was a sperm whale!
Sailing to Roseau
We were here!
Trafalgar Falls - The hot spring side
True Passion
Hiking with Seacat
Michael Moore was right, it was a sperm whale!
Michael Moore was right, it was a sperm whale!
What wonderful memories you are creating!!! Great photos and keep them coming?